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Cement Testing
  Inorganic binders have had a role in the construction industry since pre-classical times and, after successive transformations, are today briefly classified as cements, limes and plasters. These binders, as well as being used singularly are often mixed in order to produce an end product, which meets the technical characteristics of the user. Certainly, as far back as the second century the Romans mixed lime with pozzolan to enhance its hydraulic properties and then mixed this with aggregates in order to obtain “bitunium”, the forefather of today’s concrete. In the 18th century lime was fired with clay in order to obtain the first hydraulic limes, which were further developed in the following century into a cement industry in which plaster played an important role. Today, the various types of binders are well known, particularly cements, and they are becoming evermore sophisticated with pre-mixed cements designed to satisfy specific structural requirements. For several decades, national standards have governed over the production of these binders and have led, in each single producing country, to a high level of diversification. The current EN Standards have drawn on the know-how of the various national bodies in order to arrive at a unified Standard. We propose a vast range of machines that satisfy, practically all requirements.


 Following are the products in Cement Testing

List of Equipment for Cement Testing
  We propose a vast range of machines that satisfy, practically all requirements.

Physical and chemical properties of cement

Cement samplers
Specific gravity (Relative density) 
Hydraulic shrinkage 
Soundness of cement and hydrated lime 
Expansion of Portland cement
Air content of mortar 
Pat test for soundness of hydrated lime and gypsum plasters 


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